Explore the giant Wibit course and see if you can beat the obstacles, challenge your family and friends - and watch them totally wipe out at Bewl Water Aqua Park in Tunbridge Wells. There are also many other attractions Bewl Water has to offer during your visit.
Opening Hours
April to Setembpers
Selected dates.
£20 - 50 minutes
Parking: £7.
The main visitor area and the Waterfront Cafe are wheelchair friendly. Sections of the path extending from the main car park to both Seven Pound Creek Jetty and to Heatherells Jetty are suitable for wheelchairs with wide tyres.
Advisory Notes
Children aged 6-12 years must have either a parent or guardian on the Aqua Park with them. Those 13 to 16 years must be accompanied by either a parent or guardian viewing from the shoreline.
Cafe • Toilets
Picture Credit: © Bewl Water.