Hargate Forest was once part of one of the great medieval forests of the Sussex High Weald. Set in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The 150+ acre site is on the Kent/East Sussex border and boasts mature woodland, an amazing diversity of plants and wildlife, including grass snake and fallow deer. The Woodland Trust is working to restore the woodland, ponds and access.
Entrance is via a metal RADAR kissing gate adjacent to double metal field gates. There is permissive access through the bunker area via a kissing gate on Broadwater Down, around 350 metres east of the main entrance. There is a good network of wide rides and smaller paths, though covered by grass in places and steep as well as may be partly blocked.
Tunbridge Wells – 2 miles.
Stop at junction of Broadwater Down and Eridge Road, around 60 metres from the entrance to the wood.
No formal parking but space on Broadwater Down.