Little Seaside Town in Ramsgate promotes imaginative role play in a stimulating play 'town' environment and provides a realistic but scaled down version of a town for young children to play in and to explore safely. Lots of kids things to do in this play centre. Each themed set is full of play props, costumes and toys to encourage children to explore and make believe. Everything at Little Seaside Town in Ramsgate has been designed to be as realistic as possible, so the children can experience and act out real life scenarios.
Opening Hours
3 sessions per day.
Each session
Child - aged 1-11 years: £8
Babies under 1 year: £5
Babies under 1 year - if accompanying an older full paying child: £2
Adult: £2.
Ramsgate Station – 15 minutes.
Themed areas have been designed to allow wheelchairs and walking aids in most areas. An accessible toilet, however, may not be accessible for all adult wheelchair sizes.
Café • Toilet • Disabled Toilet • Baby Changing Facilities
Picture Credit: © Little Seaside Town.