
The Royal Engineers Museum is Kent’s largest military museum charting the history of the Royal Engineers and their involvement in helping the British army live, move and fight for over 300 years. With a collection designated as being of historical and international importance which includes the world’s first guided torpedo, Wellington’s map of Waterloo, a Harrier Jump Jet and 25 Victoria Crosses.

Opening Hours
Tuesday to Sunday & Bank Holidays
Last entry 4pm.

Ticket valid for 12 months
Adult: £14
Local Adult: £12
Senior Citizen & Student: £12
Child - 5-15 years: £6
Child - under 5 years: Free
Family - 2 adults & 2 children: £32
Friends of the Museum: Free
Carers for disabled visitors: Free
Serving Sappers: Free.

Gillingham or Chatham stations.


Many a bus services stop at the top of Prince Arthur Road at the King Charles Hotel including the 101 (Maidstone Service), and 182. The 156 stops outside the Museum by Mid Kent College.

Advisory Notes
All tickets must be pre-booked.

Cafe • Toilets • Baby Changing Facilities

Picture Credit: © The Royal Engineers Museum.

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