
Spong Wood is an ancient 18-hectare woodland run by the Kent Wildlife Trust and is home to a range of fauna and wildlife including bluebells, white Admirals and you may even catch a glimpse of roe deer wandering through the trees. Hazel trees, wood anemone and greater-spotted woodpeckers call this Area of Special Scientific Interest set in an Area of Outstanding Beauty, that is also a Site of Nature Conservation Importance. Tucked away within typical farmland landscape which adds to the peaceful walk in the woodland, where you may not see another visitor - except wildlife of course.

Opening Hours
All times – though best times to visit are April to July and September to November.

There are waymarked paths but no wheelchair access. The surface leading from car park slopes and access is via rough track which is muddy when wet.

Limited parking in the village, and a long walk to the reserve - accessible by foot only.

Picture Credit: © Kent Wildlife Trust.

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