
The Wye Crown at Wye near Ashford dates back to over a hundred years to the early days of the 20th Century when the village was home to an agricultural college. According to the Discovering Britain organisation it was carved in celebration of the coronation of King Edward V11 in 1902. No easy task as it took 35 students four days to complete the back-breaking task of removing 7000 barrow loads of turf, soil, and chalk. Hidden during the first and Second World Wars so it wouldn’t be used as a landmark by enemy aircraft, in 1991 galvanised metal cages filled with white-washed flints, reduced the need for regular maintenance and ensure its preservation.
Directions from the organisation suggest from Wye village, follow the footpath signs for the ‘North Downs Way’ and ‘Stour Valley Way’ to exit the village and then continue on the dead straight path which takes you up through ‘The Junipers’ to ascend the crest of the downs into the Crown field.

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