
Watercress Fields in Ashford, with Victoria Park, is the towns largest and most central park with play spaces, a sculpture trail, and plenty of spaces to relax, with an adventure play area. Plus park runs, a day nursery, multi-use gym area, and the Ashford Indoor Bowls Club. The 17-acre park's Hubert Fountain that was made in France for the International Exhibition in 1862 was gifted in 1910, and then restored in 1977 to celebrate the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. The Watercress Fields name derived in the 19th Century when it was grown commercially in the chalk stream and transported to London markets. The chalk stream in the park is an internationally rare habitat with potential for excellent water quality due to the natural filtering through the chalk beds of the Downs, and supports a rich mix of flora and fauna, including water voles, kingfishers and white-clawed crayfish.

From dawn to dusk.

Cycle route 18.

Ashford International - 15 minutes.

The Little & Often bus A, as well as the number 2, both pass close to the park.


Picture Credit: Ashford Borough Council.

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