
The National Shrine of St Jude is served by the Carmelite friars at Faversham, Kent and adjoins the parish church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, which is also served by the friars. Saint Jude was one of the Twelve Apostles appointed by Jesus to lead his Church. The Shrine has a fascinating and very unusual history and arose out of a request for a man who wanted a prayer for his wife who was depressed as their son was lost at sea in the Second World War. The father when told there was no shrine said he had seen one in an antique shop in London,  so purchased it and gave it to the church. On 28th October 1955, the Bishop of Southwark Cyril Cowderoy, assisted by the Prior General of the Carmelite Order, the Prior of Aylesford, dedicated the Shrine of Saint Jude. The son was found after the shrine had been given, but sadly he and a brother later died in the war.

Opening Hours
March to October
November to  March


Faversham  - 10 minutes.

Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel car park.

Picture Credit: © Shrine of St. Jude Organisation.

  • Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Whitefriars, Tanners Street, Faversham, Kent MW3 7JN, UK

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